Week 10 – Radio Drama

This week we looked at recording Radio Drama on location. This can be seen as easier and cheaper most of the time as sound effects and background noise don’t need to be created. The lecture was Outside and Zara took us around campus to show just some of the sounds we could achieve. My favourite part of the lecture was when we had to act as a mob, as this was something that I feel couldn’t be done as well in a studio. It really opened my eyes to the possibilities of working on location, as it makes a lot more sense to do so a lot of the time. The script that we have chosen is called Continuum. This is based mainly in a hospital and it is possible to do this on location but it may be hard to gain access and permission.

In the workshops we went through the script that we had been given. I took on the role of the narrator, so only had a line at the beginning and end of the drama. I was told to sound more dramatic, which was hard for me to do because I had never acted seriously before and I found this challenging. I’m not very good at making sound effects either, I start laughing and don’t take it very seriously, which I need to if I want to be able to do this with my own radio drama. I enjoyed making the radio drama as a group, and am looking forward to creating our dramas for real.


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